Blue River Services, Inc.
Blue River Services is on a mission to assist people with disabilities in realizing maximum personal growth and development in home, work and community by providing a continuum of individualized services and supports in settings least restrictive for the needs of the individual. Blue River Employment Services provides placement to individuals with intellectual, developmental and acquired disabilities and other barriers to employment. Individuals can obtain and maintain employment through career exploration, job readiness and development, soft skills training, follow-along services and individual job coaching. Services are designed in accordance with the individual’s support needs and preferences. Blue River staff assist individuals in discovering and understanding their vocational interests, values, temperaments, work-related behaviors, aptitudes, skills, physical capabilities, learning style, and training needs. Individuals are paired with an Employment Consultant, who assists with employment-related concerns helping participants further their skills training.
For more information, contact Holly Adam at 812-542-3077 or