KentuckianaWorks offers a wide variety of resources for employers in the Louisville region. Whether you are looking to find new workers, build partnerships within your industry, or get support in developing a more inclusive organization, we can help. We can connect you to qualified job seekers by promoting your open positions, connecting you to industry partners, and more. Interested in learning more about joining one of our industry partnership groups? Email Aleece Smith, Director of Inclusion and Sector Strategies.
Looking for help finding a new job or better career? We have the tools to help you succeed! Services provided include: free pre-employment training, job search assistance, career literacy training, basic skills testing & development, and other wrap-around services through the Kentucky Career Center.
KentuckianaWorks helps job-seekers find jobs and good careers, education and training to develop a fully prepared and engaged workforce that is aligned with the needs of the community. We help job seekers in Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties find jobs, education and training and we connect employers with skilled, qualified workers.
For more information, contact Angella Wilson at (502) 574-4727 or