Job Description: (attached)
Salary Schedule: 1A (attached) Grade 3
Working Calendar: 187 Days/ 6.5 Hours


Under the direction of the supervising teacher or Principal, the instructional assistant participates as an integral member of the instructional program including tutoring students, assisting in documentation of pupil progress, preparation, and organization of materials and equipment, and/or instructing.


  • High school diploma or G.E.D.
  • Passing score on the Kentucky Para-educator Assessment or 48 semester college hours
  • Demonstrated competent language skills
  • Successful experience working with children, individually or in groups, including ability to read and understand meanings of words and ideas associated with them and to use them effectively
  • Participated in program training as specified by the Kentucky Department of Education and local district
  • Program specific certifications/training

**If your highest education is High School or GED you must take and pass the Kentucky Paraeducational Assessment Exam. The exam is free and you have three chances to obtain a passing score. For assistance with studying for this assessment, click KPA Study Guide.  To schedule to take the KPA test with our Adult Ed department click Upon completion of scheduling, you will receive a confirmation email from Adult Ed with additional instructions about the location, address and parking. Need help passing the KPA? We can help. Check out the attached KPA Prep Course Information Flyer!

**Applicants with transcripts obtained outside the U.S. will need to contact an approved agency from the following list in order to be considered an active candidate: Please click here

Information you enter in the Experience section of the online application will be used to verify your qualification for this position. Information should be entered accurately and completely.Falsification of an employment application is grounds for exclusion from consideration and/or termination.




Job Listing